Thá Lánd Öƒ
 ßre†† Årm§†rông
I am gonna tell ya a bit 'bout maself, so read this if you're that bored

1)Ma name is Brett 2)I am a heterosexual male 3)I'm from a small town in Ohio 4)I am frustrated 5)I'm 20 years old(born Dec. 8, 1977) 6)I am a carpenter 7)I like to make lists 8)Above is a picture of a Gorilla 9)If I were you, I'd click on this 10)I like beer 11)I'm not ashamed of ma spelling 12)Is this goin anywhere¿

I have this webpage for everyone ta getta small peek into what does (or doesn't) go on in ma head. If you're tha slightest bit curious, read on. If not, at least hit °L¡nK§° and sign ma guestbook.
"Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful do-n-do-n-do-do ayyiiayia"

This Bored eh¿ try °PágÊ †w¤° to learn a little more about me. I'll get in depth on my education, past jobs, things like that an sheit. To czech out what's going on in ma head, click on °RáMßL¡nG§° .
When you're done readin bout me, then go to °L¡nK§° and sign ma guestbook thingy.
Get at Me
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